The Grinning Man

Around the same time that reports of the Mothman were surfacing, another mysterious creature had been sighted nearby. Encounters with a strange creature now known as Indrid Cold, a humanoid creature with strange features including an unusually large, frozen grin, were spreading around the area. While sightings were not as prevalent as with the Mothman, they were no less unsettling. Sometimes Cold would simply stare at passers-by, other times he would give chase and even engage in conversation. Just about everyone reports feeling at best, uncomfortable, at worst horrified for their life. However it is unclear at this time whether or not Cold actually possessed any nefarious intent or whether he was simply observing humankind. Furthermore no one truly understands Cold’s purpose for visiting our planet or whether or not this was even an alien in the first place. While some witnesses claim that Cold revealed all to them and even took them to their home planet, other simply report being terrified. Could this mysterious “Grinning Man” be an alien from another planet or even a government “Man in Black”? Is he a single entity or a community or species? Or was Point Pleasant West Virginia simply a hot spot for paranormal activity at time?

The Mothman

“It’s a bird! It’s a plane! Wait what is that really? Oh no it’s following us, run for your lives!” This is probably what a young couple was thinking in Point Pleasant, West Virginia back in the sixties when they first encountered what is now well-known around the world as the legendary Mothman. There were practically no reports of similar creatures until 1966, when suddenly there were dozens of sightings of this horrific, flying abomination. Residents of this small town were so petrified they actually held a town hall meeting so that citizens could publicly express their concerns and share tales of their encounters. Since then similar sightings have been reported all over the world; all to often the sightings precede some sort of cataclysmic event, leading some to think that it is an omen of bad things to come. While it is not one of the most popular cryptids of our time, it certainly produces arguably more convincing evidence then others of its kind. Explanations for these sightings range from large cranes or owls all the way to angels, genetic hybrids and flying military machines, however we must accept that mankind may never know the true identity of the Mothman.

The Mysterious Disappearance of Thelma Krull

In this episode of Strange Matters the sudden and mysterious disappearance of Thelma Krull is discussed.  Thelma was a 57 year old grandmother living in Winnipeg, Canada.  On the morning of July 11th, 2015, she left for her usual morning walk.  At some point in her walk along quiet neighborhood roads and local parks, something unexpected must have happened.   As a result, Thelma Krull would never be seen again.

The case of Thelma Krull is strange and unusual in several ways.  It is rare that an established member of the community could just vanish during the day while walking along public pathways.  Leaving virtually no evidence or clues behind, both family members and Law Enforcement were left with nothing but speculation on what happened to the missing woman.   To this day there is still no definitive answer as to what caused the sudden and unexplained disappearance of Thelma Krull.